Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How easy is it to use RosettaHealth to submit CSVs to NHSN?

Easy as 1, 2, 3. 

  1. Acquire an NHSN account from RosettaHealth! We have a simple agreement with a BAA that are incorporated with simple pricing. Simply review, sign, and return.

  2. Register the provided NHSN account with NHSN. Don’t worry, we will guide you though this process.

  3. Use our Smart Portal to submit your CSV and view results.


How easy is it to use RosettaHealth to submit CDAs to NHSN?

Easy as 1, 2, 3. 

  1. Acquire an NHSN account from RosettaHealth! We have a simple agreement with a BAA that are incorporated with simple pricing. Simply review, sign, and return.

  2. Integrate your system with RosettaHealth and register the provided NHSN account with NHSN. Don’t worry, we will guide you though this process.

  3. Submit your CDAs and get results using your RosettaHealth integration.


How difficult is it to integrate with RosettaHealth?

It boils down to two simple approaches:

  1. For CSVs, simply use our Smart Portal. Our smart portal manages the NHSN submission process for you.

    • To submit, simply select your completed CSV file and submit.

    • NHSN results are presented with the submission to make things simple.

  2. For CDAs, we recommend integrating your system directly with HISPDirect with our REST API. Using a few simple calls, you can construct and submit directly to NHSN. Using another call, you can get NHSNs response indicating whether the submission was formatted correctly and accepted. Typically, integration is completed in a few days.

Is there a test environment available?

RosettaHealth provides test accounts for developers to use for integrating their system with HISPDirect. When your integration is complete and your CDAs constructed, we will guide you through the NHSN validation and onboarding process.

What is NHSN DIRECT Automation?

An alternative method to send CDAs into NHSN, as opposed to manually importing files using the NHSN portal. Using the ONC-defined Direct protocol, this method provides a simple, secure, scalable, standards-based way for participants to send authenticated, encrypted health information directly to NHSN over the Internet. 

Where can I find more information about Direct?

How many Direct accounts do I need for submitting to NHSN?

NHSN is setup to support one account per facility or multiple facilities per account. NHSN Direct reporting addresses can be at the facility, hospital system, or vendor level. It really depends on your system and infrastructure. 

What is an OID and why do I need one?

OID stands for Object Identification. Each facility is required to have an OID when sending CDAs to NHSN. This OID enables NHSN to identify where the CDA originated.

How do I get an OID for my facility?

Go to You will need this when signing up with NHSN.

Where can I get more detailed information on the  NHSN CDA Automation Registration Process?

The following two guides provide detailed information for registering with NHSN

What is your pricing for an NHSN Direct Account?

Please 'Sign Up Today'. We will setup test accounts, provide getting started guidelines, and provide a BAA agreement (pricing included) for review and return. Once the agreement is executed, we will create your NHSN HISP Direct account - free for 30 days.